What is the criteria for completing your will and healthcare directive at Black Women Will?
- Black women who are Georgia residents
- U.S. Citizen
- Assets under $750K (i.e. bank accounts, investment accounts, etc.)
- Must own real property (land or a house)
- Available to complete their will and healthcare directive on November 16th
- Available to complete will questionnaire and attend 2 virtual sessions (date TBD) prior to November 16th
What is an asset?
An asset is anything that you own that you can pass down to someone else, such as real property (land or a house), automobiles, investment accounts, retirement accounts or bank accounts.
If I will inherit land or a home in the future, but I don’t own the real property now, do I qualify for registration?
To be considered you must own the real property at the time when the will is completed.
If a husband is the only person on the mortgage for a home, but the wife is on the deed, can the wife still qualify for registration?
Yes, the deed is what determines who owns the property.
If my home or property still has a mortgage do I qualify?
Do you complete wills and healthcare directives in other states?
Currently we only serve residents in Georgia, as that is where we have relationships with legal organizations to complete the documents. However, we aspire to take Black Women Will on the road in the near future!
Who are the partners for this event?
This event is a partnership between the Thank Me Later Foundation, Atlanta Legal Aid, The Georgia Association Of Black Women Attorneys Foundation, The Georgia Association of Paralegals and The Fulton County Probate Court.
Why is Black women the focus for this initiative?
We believe that EVERYONE needs an estate plan, and we have a library of educational content to help you get it done. However we focus on Black women because this is an underserved demographic, many of which are the key breadwinners for their family. We hope that by empowering Black women to complete their estate plan, they will inspire their community to get it done as well.